Colorectal, Hemorrhoids, and Ana Fissures
Laparoscopic surgery.
LASER hemorrhoid surgery.
Use of less painful techniques and with faster recovery to normal activity.
What can we treat:
Coloretal cancer, hemorrhoids grade II to IV, anal fissures, perianal fistules
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Colorectal, Hemorrhoids, and Fissures
The colon (large bowel) and rectum are home to several inflammatory and oncological diseases that may require surgical intervention. Changes in intestinal transit (constipation), abdominal pain, weight loss and blood loss are possible clinical presentations. When indicated, minimally invasive surgery (laparoscopic - mini incisions) has great benefits for patients.
Classic surgery to treat hemorrhoids, although effective, is very painful and slow to recover. The LASER technique, when indicated, allows for a faster procedure, with less pain and faster recovery.
HEMORRHOIDS (Hemorrhoidectomy or LASER)
When do I have to undergo surgery?
Frequent painful crisis
Hemorrhoids can cause pain to the perianal area, with frequent blood loss. Bleeding hemorrhoids with externalization, edema, inflammation, and thrombosis can be very disabling and painful. Surgical treatment may be the best option depending on the degree of the disease, and frequency of complaints. The crisis-free period is the best time for an intervention.
Which is the best technique?
Classic surgery
Traditional surgery with hemorrhoid excision remains the most effective technique. However, it is the most painful and with the longest recovery period. If there is a recurrence you will think twice before being operated on again.
How about LASER treatment?
It can be the first option.
Using a LASER catheter the hemorrhoid is submitted to a "sclerosis". The procedure is fast, and the final result has less pain and promotes a faster return to normal activity. LASER can be the first option, leaving classic surgery (hemorrhoidectomy) to more severe cases (grade IV hemorrhoids) and recurrences.
Are there any complications?
Yes. Yet they are uncommon
Hemorrhoidectomy, in addition to being painful, can cause incontinence and anal stenosis. Infection is also a possibility. LASER can cause pedicle necrosis associated with intense pain.
Hospital length of stay
One night
Tailored to each patient, any of these techniques can be applied on an outpatient basis. However, staying overnight in the hospital allows for better vigilance and pain control.